Magnus Church of England Academy students welcomed a team from the BBC into school this week for the BBC Centenary Celebrations and the ‘BBC100 Share Your Story’ event.
Among those who addressed students was Elliot Darby, BBC Radio 1 presenter who hosts, Weekend Breakfast, Early Breakfast and Radio 1 Anthems.
Elliot said the event was to demonstrate the power of storytelling and its importance in the BBC’s 100-year history. “The Share Your Story Event is touring all around the UK, we have about 15 teams on the road at the moment. We are speaking to Magnus students about the BBC, the fact that it has been around for 100 years and how story telling has been at the centre of its work.
“We want to encourage the kids to think about storytelling, and to tell their own stories, and also, we hope that they will be inspired by the presenters’ stories too. It’s been a great visit to Magnus and the students seem to have got a lot out of it, – they have been asking lots of questions. It’s been great to hear that some of our career stories have resonated with them and makes it all worthwhile sharing our experiences. It was really nice to talk to one student about their fear of public speaking, and I hope the presenters on stage were able to share some tips about that.”
Assistant Principal at Magnus C of E Academy, Mr John Wynn said, “Students are required to have interactions with both local and national employers as part of our stable careers program. Thanks to the BBC our students had the opportunity to listen to some unbelievable, heart-warming and moving stories from BBC employees. Their stories were inspirational and demonstrated to our students that, in whatever stage of their career journey, it’s important to never give up on your dreams and to work hard and use every experience as a learning journey. The BBC team showcased to our students that exciting employment opportunities, both nationally and internationally, are not just attainable for the most privileged.”