Linby cum Papplewick Church of England Primary School is amongst top performing schools in Nottinghamshire according to new data

Linby cum Papplewick Church of England Primary School is amongst the best performing primary schools in Nottinghamshire according to new data released. The tables reflect outcomes based on progress for reading, writing and maths collected for 2023.

Ranking in the top ten in the county for 2023; results for 2024 are proving equally high. The school attained 94% in KS1 phonics. In KS2 Reading they saw 92% of their pupils meeting age related expectations, with 42% of pupils achieving a higher standard or ‘greater depth’.

In Maths 83% of pupils met age related expectations with 42% of pupils achieving a greater depth.

Rachel Hodge is Head of School and she said, “We are thrilled with the results, both from last year and this. The children have all worked incredibly hard and it is wonderful that they were rewarded for the fruit of their labour.

“At Linby, we work hard whilst ensuring the children enjoy a varied curriculum right to the end of their time in Year Six. Our children achieve well, and it is testament to their hard work and the dedication of the staff that these translated into wonderful results.

“Being in the top ten schools in Nottinghamshire shows our commitment to helping all children achieve the very best they can. A huge well done to all of our children!”